

Mobile Nitrogen Service for Nitrogen Well Cleanouts

When the accumulation of sand, sediments, and other debris blocks the flow in a wellbore, a cleanout is necessary to maintain productivity. Nitrogen well cleanouts in Alberta are one of...

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Pipeline nitrogen inerting from an Onsite N2 Generation Unit

The goal of pipeline nitrogen inerting is to prevent oxidation, a chemical reaction where a substance or product reacts with the oxygen that is naturally present in the atmosphere. Preventing...

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Nitrogen applications for UBD surface equipment inerting

In underbalanced drilling (UBD) surface equipment inerting, potentially explosive fluids are collected and processed in collection tanks on the surface. The four-phase separator vessels fall into the following categories: Drilling...

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Nitrogen applications for underbalanced drilling

Although air and natural gas can be used for underbalanced drilling (UBD), nitrogen is preferred for its minimal risk of downhole fires and a higher level of control. Nitrogen applications...

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The benefits of onsite nitrogen services in Western Canada

Did you know that up to 10% of nitrogen is lost during transport? This means you’re paying for nitrogen that never makes it to your site or facility. Many industries...

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